Support the Center for Birds of Prey

Support by Giving

As a 501c3 organization, the Center relies primarily on philanthropic contributions to support its ongoing operations. These gifts represent a collaborative commitment to the Center’s conservation ethic.

“Philanthropy” is a long word with a simple meaning:



phileo – love of

anthropy – humankind

We are defining and fostering a value system, an underlying ethic that will literally determine what of the natural world we will preserve and what will be irrevocably lost. Ultimately, we will be judged only by what we leave for future generations. It is this legacy that we must be preserved and shared; one that will endure for the benefit of our children, our grandchildren, and all of those who follow.

There are many ways you can make a gift to be a part of the Center’s work:

  • Annual giving to support immediate needs through membership
  • Major giving to impact a transformative change at the Center
  • Planned giving to share a legacy of avian conservation and environmental empathy
  • Business and corporate giving to connect your company with the Center; and
  • In-kind giving to provide much needed material support

For information on tribute gifts, gift memberships, matching gifts, or more detailed information on any area of giving please contact our office at 843-971-7474. Give with confidence to an organization that values your trust. The Center for Birds of Prey supports the Donor Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethical Standards adopted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Making your donation online is both safe and convenient. We use PayPal to process online contributions, but a PayPal account is not required. If you have any questions about the process or would like to submit your donation over the phone, just give us a call at 843-971-7474. If you would prefer to mail your contribution, download a donor form below.

Contribute by Phone
Call us at 843-971-7474 to charge by phone.

Contribute by Mail
Click here for a printable contribution form.

Support by Volunteering

Since its beginning in 1991, the Avian Conservation Center/Center for Birds of Prey has relied on volunteer staff members to assist in carrying out its mission of providing medical treatment for injured birds, presenting educational programs to thousands of individuals each year, and conducting avian research and field studies that benefit the state and the entire nation. Our volunteers are as integral to our operations as are the birds themselves. It is only through the sharing of their time, experience, and passion for conservation that we are able to further our mission.
Volunteers comprise four key groups at the Center to provide operational support:

  1. Injured Bird Transport Volunteer
  2. On Campus Volunteer Staff
  3. Hawk Watch
  4. Citizen Science for Swallow-tailed Kites

For more information about volunteering at the Center, contact Kara Bale at 843.971.7474, email, or visit the Volunteer Staff page.

There are a variety of areas in which you can serve the Center’s mission. We encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity. New Volunteer Staff training programs are scheduled on a regular basis. Information about upcoming sessions will be posted on this site.

 Volunteer Internship Program

The goal of the Center’s Volunteer Internship Program is to provide pre-professional, in-service experiential learning opportunities for students interested in environmental issues and ethics, avian medicine and rehabilitation, and/or relevant research.
To request an internship application, email or call the Center at 843-971-7474.